stay connected to nature with these resources!
Treasure Hunt in Gwynns Falls Park, Baltimore City
(or in your local garden, park, walking through your neighborhood, or from looking out your window!)
Photos and checklist for spotting animals and plants. Enjoy your adventure!
Guidelines and preparations for being outdoors in nature. It also includes three nature activities - creating a sit spot, story of the day, and Circle of Thanks.
Site-specific activities that can be done in the Winans Meadow area of Gwynns Falls Trail in Baltimore. Explore habit of wildlife and human ancestors! - water, food, shelter, and space. The guide was created by Parks and People Foundation and the Natural History Society of MD as a "Teacher's Handbook for a Nature and Cultural Field Trip on the Gwynns Falls Trail."
Staying Connected Through Nature Play and Learning
Activities and ideas for nature-based home-school. From a"Staying Connected:
Nature Play and Learning" webinar presented by the Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools.
How to Teach Nature Journaling
This has 31 hands-on field activities to "connect art, science, math, and critical thinking, while encouraging students and mentors alike to recognize and record the wonder and beauty in the natural world.”
Activities to help kids explore their neighborhoods. Based in New York City, but all activities in this workbook can be applied to our own neighborhoods
Created by Kerry Wixted from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Nature Play Activities
Alaskan Coastal Studies Science Learning At-Home & Outside
Activity Sheets for Outdoor Learning and Lesson Plans for Science & Stewardship
Simple outdoor activities to do with children, especially younger children with minimal supplies.
Nature Apps
and Community Science Projects
An iNaturalist app for kids. Take pictures of species and receive badges.
AOD is an augmented reality app that encourages children and families to get outside for self-guided adventures or “missions”. We have two site-specific missions that you can play in Gwynns Falls Leakin Park with your friends and family today! Download the free AOD app, then download one of our missions before you come and play in the park.
Identify plants by taking a picture of them.
Identify plants by taking a picture of their leaves.
Digital bird guide that includes pictures and songs.
Bird Feeder setup for great photos
4 Ideas For Your Feeder Setup That Deliver Great Bird Photos
An app of digital trail maps.
An app that lets you identify moths and butterflies by taking a picture of them.
An app that lets you document aquatic creatures and water quality.
Take a selfie with a stream, fill out some information on the website, attach the photo and submit!
Pick an area where you can do a 10 minute bird survey each day for 3 days in a row, focusing on 16 target bird species. You can then submit your data to the website and it can be used in science research.
Monitor a bird nest twice a week and share your results.
Agreement, Release, and Medical Emergency
Waiver - BCRP COVID-19 camp waiver
Medication Administration Authorization Form