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Forest Preschool is a realized dream created to help young children, families, and teachers draw closer to the natural world. Children have a right to learn and play outdoors. Nature-based learning has immense benefits, and it needs to be available to all children regardless of where they live.



Baltimore City has an extensive network of parks that are just waiting to be discovered. We are thrilled to offer Forest Preschool as a Baltimore City Recreation and Parks (BCRP) program at Carrie Murray Nature Center (the pilot launched in February 2018). This innovative model provides a platform for more programs to expand to parks across the city.

Monica French, director of Carrie Murray, and Mepi Neill, director of Forest Preschool, lead the program. It offers opportunities to directly share our love of nature with families and children and support other educators on their journeys.



As early childhood programs feed into schools for older children, play usually vanishes. It is replaced with task-oriented activities, one after another. Class sizes grow. (In Baltimore, it is common for one kindergarten teacher to work with 24 children, though some classes are closer to 30.) Although some activities are hands-on, the curriculum is dictated with predetermined outcomes. Most young children have little, if any, say over what or how they learn. Many traditional and public preschools have inflexible "academic" schedules where children must be seated indoors most of the day. Even the best teachers have an uphill climb in infusing play and outdoor learning into their days despite research proving these are essential to healthy child development.


In early childhood education, experiential and child-directed learning are the most meaningful ways young children construct ideas about themselves and the world. Content and facts are not the primary way to "teach" young children foundation concepts. Young children can shape their learning with the guidance of compassionate, well-trained teachers who can facilitate meaningful experiences.


We honor not only the physical and cognitive needs of children, but also their social, emotional, and spiritual growth as individuals. This child-centered approach provides ample time and space for open-ended play, investigation, and creative expression. Everyone is valued and everyone learns at their own pace. All children are embraced. Where additional support is needed, we work closely with families to ensure that every child has a positive learning experience with us.


Children may extend projects for days, weeks, or even months without interruption to fully explore and test their ideas. This requires innovation and determination on the part of teachers, who seek ways to help children find their own voices and interests. Children form friendships and problem-solve together. They also create a personal relationship with nature that kindles appreciation and respect for themselves, one another, and the natural world.


Carrie Murray Nature Center

1901 Ridgetop Road, Baltimore, MD 21207

Nature Center Hours
Monday - Saturday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Monthly Second Sundays (May-Nov): 8:30am - 4:30p

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Carrie Murray Nature Center is operated by Baltimore City Recreation and Parks (BCRP)

©2025 by Carrie Murray Nature Center.

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